Unfavorable Topography

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

...as to the meaning of the title of the website "Unfavorable Topography"? What does it really mean? Is it a meaning of life and the treks we face as humans trudging through the vast space that is our lives or is it the landscape of our minds as we create our own future? I apologize for getting a little 'emo' on the folks viewing this website. I do this sort of thing for a living though. I work mostly with small infants and make sure they start being philosophical at an early age. Its what I do best. At the end of the day when I realize I have neither helped nor herded young children in a small group and read them a story from the Wall Street Journal is the best part of the day and I go to bed completely satisfied that my work here on earth is completely justified in no particular manner whatsoever. If you have a dream, then I say dream it. Dream it all the way to the top. Doing things will only get you so far. Its your dreams that make all the difference. So please dream if you have to, but make sure your roommate isn't asleep because he has to make sure your dreams don't die while you are asleep. Good luck and sleep tight.


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