Unfavorable Topography

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Thought I'd comment on the weather. Blustery, cold, and muddy slush wherever you go. It definitely calls for an assesment of sidewalk topography, because if you get too full of yourself you're just asking for trouble. A bump on the head or a soggy bottom.

Mark it's good to see you've joined this crazy free-for-all and I look forward to you sharing many more of your kooky adventures in the future. I hope Wayne's uncle didn't flip out or anything like last time (that was whack), because I know he's quite the stickler for thomfoolery. That reminds me, if for some reason you are reading this and think you'd enjoy writing nonsensical streams of consciousness right here on this very page between the hours of midnight and 4am (or whenever you want!!!) please drop one of us a line and we'll set ya up real quick.

Am keeping my fingers crossed for some good, relaxing, uninteruppted snoozing tonight. Who would've thought these concrete walls are defenseless against the hooting and hollering of my last-letter-of-the-alphabet-loving next door neighbor and his pals' much-deserved "oh my gawd!'s". Niagra.

I've lost my train of thought, found it, and then lost it again. In any event, we're playing a show next Tuesday night at the Planet 505 on Westcott for you locals. 3 bands all together, around 9 or 10pm. To the best of my knowledge, this will be the first time said band will be playing under the bright lights of the 505, at least in this incarnation, so come on out and keep your sweetheart and your beer nestled close to your heart. Just leave a little room for janet drive, too.


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