Unfavorable Topography

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Oops, I blogged my pants.

Well, we seem to be getting back into the swing of things. I'm glad we're all getting the old blog juices pumping again. Blog is a good thing. Never turn your back on blog. Cause ya know, David and Michael are good guys, they're good guys...But they'll fuck you every chance they get.

Anyway, I suppose I don't have much to speak about. I just wanted to remind the world that Mark still exists. Yes, world. Yes, life. I am still here. You may have forgotten about little old me in my little old corner of this great big place, but I am still here. You can hold me back, let me down, turn me around. You can make me wither, you can make me frail. But you, world, cannot break me. I refuse to be forgotten.

But on the lighter side of the news, I think it's safe to announce that I've finally made some progress. And at this point, the crux of it all seems to be laying squarely on the shoulders of a man named Napoleon and his huge talking cat.

Just drop me a line if you want more details.


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