Unfavorable Topography

Friday, September 05, 2003

Zdrasvyhuitye droogii,

When a new land comes and seeks a new king, be sure to walk around the new land first several times before parachuting down and getting caught on the cliff face. "Artists are the antennae of the race" How many times have I used that in a sentence, in a paper, in an argument? I don't think I have ever used it except to make a point once or twice, but oh! look at how many times I have written something with some depth or breathed life into a dead piece of wood pulp, not many times. Something will come of it though, don't you worry. So the marriage is set for the future tense of past participle parties of all tomorrow's saint's day. Let's look at this argument closely.

An argument is not a thing of the past, but a thing of five present day automobile safety belts. The presence of safety in a dangerous object lead to deaths in space stations and on the monkey bars when you were a kid. Remember the dome. Mike Hosch was king of the dome. The only place on the playground where you couldn't get caught fighting because everyone would be attached to the dome somehow. One time I was in it, not by choice, but forced because of my lack of skill as a climber. I almost fell when the fight was happening although it never lasted long and normally stayed in the corner opposite the mother figure which is where I normally clung to the metallic prison of fake gods and false egos. Nevertheless I found myself attached like everyone else and I never wanted to be dis a t t a c h e d from this place. It just felt right. So where did I end up on a night like this but in front of the place where I dreamed I would be somehow expressing an attitude wanting to go/be/see/dream/live/gather/forest/berries/somewhere/else. That sentence didn't take long to write, but the mistake is in the punctuation and not the slashes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow ask yourself if THIS is worth it!?!?!?!?!!!!


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