Unfavorable Topography

Monday, November 24, 2003

Wow...the time it takes him to put that sax to his lips a whole universe of spliced musicians couldn't feel a thing. The only time he picked up a camera magic was scene on all continents by several magic magicians three years later than the man whom he picked on in high school. Please let me not explicate the meaning beyond several interstellar spaces of human flesh and San Francisco soil. As well as the sun sets, let us not forget the time supernova came knocking on my door and boy oh boy was she looking good. The only time Mars and Jupiter ever got together they danced and danced. Whoo! Oh man look at 'em go. Nobody can move like those two. Feel that rhythm, c'mon, feel that rhythm, that jive, that toon, that oh-so-sweet lick.

Hamburgars never tasted so good when I got a hold of some of 'em down to earth sweetened moonburgars. Let me just take a look! Ah yes, they look so nice, the taste will stay on my tongue for days on end. Ah man, oh boy oh boy, do you feel that? The neighbor must have picked up his old habit. Can't a man feel so much pain all day long and then live that much better all day long the next day. Please let me see him jive like that, oooh, oh boy, shake that rhythm, feel that beat, the next day ain't gonna be so grand so ya better liven it up a little bit tonight so's I can see the man and all his glory in the morning sunset and rise out of bed with the evening sunrise. But forever and ever there will be light five times in a row seeing the believer. Oh lord! I can't tell you how happy I am to be seeing the lord in his full glory seeming to be a giant letter carrier in blue and white garb standing with his feet next to his shoes in a style not known to everyman on this universe. Ah yes, that's it, the planet's took the next sky for themselves and all I can see is the magnificent light stretching beyond the valley and seeing those deaths come through the next day eating up all the souls, but not getting away with anything.

Written at 12:37 in the morning after a wonderful Turkey feast and spirits and television and wonderful neighbors all under the vail of the moment which is delirium and John Coltrane's Interstellar Space in the changer. Incredible.


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