Unfavorable Topography

Friday, April 09, 2004

Today is a school holiday and I am talking to Knowlton, who has her watch wound some five hours ahead of Eastern Standard. She tells me she is going to take Japanese to "find out what those little symbols are." Part of my bottom lip is swelling up for no reason at all. I'm hunting around imdb and reading some hilarity (thanks Jamie). Erynn just signed off but she sends her love. I'm going to call Craig and ask for Lamar... my goal is to have him to exclaim "darn this counter-culture" and toss his "celly" from his current 4x4 while moving furtniture "for no one in particular" (Morrissey, Stephen; 1985). See, this lack of sleep is making me do parenthetical ish like that. I'm trying a new Friday strategy that may involve sleeping the afternoon hours away. But I'll be up this early again tomorrow morning to take five 35-minute sections of logical reasoning and reading comprehension. Weird.


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