Unfavorable Topography

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

My back is wrecked so I can't stand up or roll over or do a standing broad jump without moving at a tortoise's pace and groaning heavily. And I can't sleep. I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone else I could tell. This is, of course, pretty awkward in the first place because I've been so neglectful as of late.


I don't think this interweb space was ever intended to be a political soapbox for anyone (what once was a fabulous five and now a tired two), which is nice considering that the majority of these private thought/public sphere spaces intend to do just that. But maybe in these next 21 days I'll be persuaded to become a blogger cliche just because this election is that important. I know politics are horrible and come December/January/February the folks I routinely hear discussing Ralph Nader's impact, or lack thereof, and Abu Ghraib will return to more pressing matters such as northface denali jackets and package trips, with hotel and drinks covered, to the "safe" parts of Mexico. But for now do not get caught up in the contrived apathetic constituent bullshit and assess the situation. We are all in some way or another students of history, so we're aware of the notions of consequence and foreshadowing. There's no way of telling what's to come, but at this point is anything still a surprise? I know I have a couple predictions myself if things stay the same and it will be no Tower Hill all-school picnic (maybe it'll look like this, though).


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