Unfavorable Topography: 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Sgt. Gruuuuuumbles!

I got into law school.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

so due to unforseen shadows and consequences i found myself tonight 'round 7:30 outside of my window on tip-toes holding up a screen, a storm window, and blinds. i curse and spit. round two i'm back inside rummaging for a flashlight and a poker and/or grabber, running back outside to my window to reach in through my desk's clutter to reach the very set of keys i needed to open my foolishly locked bedroom door. day three of maximum security pound-you-in-the-jass federal prison at the downstairs room at 7## euclid avenue and we've already run into some problems.

i think i just want to get some water between us, lakes rivers and streams, and head west and intern or make coffee for anticon and make pinot noir in napa valley. i'll start out doing anything, i swear, picking grapes by hand or hosing off the garage floor. then the plan is to quickly move up the vineyard hierarchy and spend friday evenings swirling a glass or two around with likeminded agrarian thinkers. remember, your nose knows.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Note to self:

I don't know what you're looking for
but I do know you won't find it at the Rainbo
so you might as well stay home.

Also, Obal says to use scissors, not a trimmer.

Monday, November 01, 2004

I am constantly tapping my left heel on this carpet under my desk and no I don't think it's because Giant Steps is playing. I'm anxious about finishing this take-home midterm. Tomorrow's election. A personal statement that is currently lacking anything resembling personality. Applications in general and their outcome. Decisions as of late. Scuppernong. Lots of things, I guess... hence, the heel tapping.