MLK JR DAY '06 MLK JR DAY '06 (x4 faster)
I've always liked Ed Ruscha. I always thought I understood his humor. But now I understand his humor even more. Empty parking lots in Los Angeles!!!! Are you kidding? No. He is not kidding. Of course, that was back in the 70's or 80's. I have never heard of Los Angeles until the early 90's and then I really did not understand until this past summer. So this is my home? Empty parking lots? I guess.
For the last three or so weeks, I guess whenever I returned from "Home for the Holy-days '05", is when I became inundated with The Lonely Island. Then Lauren came and we all watched "Lazy Sunday" for days straight and even started a drinking game about Mark Pierce because of it, although we never actually played. This is kind of what I aspire to be--these dudes. But of course, it takes some skill and luck, which I seem to have none considering I haven't worked in almost two months, despite booking a job for the end of the month for five days total. (Thanks to Caroline for hooking me up)
Lauren left on a plane to foggy London town this evening. She is probably still in the air. I hear you can drink on planes that fly across the Atlantic. Craig told me a story about how "hammered" him and Cosens were on their way to visit Ben in Spain.
Bill reminded me of the crazy new game these days last.fm. Little do Bill, Adam, and Matt know, I have been following their musical journeys on the Internet since the beginning, but have been reluctant to join due to humiliation from my peers outside of this realm. After 'facebook' and 'myspace' I do not think I can handle another, albeit musically oriented, cataloguing of my thoughts and listens. As a hypocrite I would like everyone to know that I am currently listening to Odd Nosdam's "Burner". Intriguing as it may be to catalogue what I have been listening to, I do not think I am ready just yet. But of course, it is an alternate world. The cyber-net has imposed on me questions of reality and life. My responsibility does not lie with what comments I receive or if I continue to 'blog' or not. But it does offer a chance to get out, to kill time, to waste away and not eat or drink, and to fulfill my information quota for the day if I do not feel like reading a book or watching The Colbert Report. Plus, how else would I know if Henrik Zetterberg scored a goal for the Wings or if the Pistons continued to dominate the National Basketball Association. Its an old Joseph Heller novel--I googled my name and I connected myself with myself.
Likes of early '06: Firefox tabs, Netflix, RSS headlines, Pizza Hut/Wing Street
Dislikes of early '06: Jobs, My hair, Basketball skills on/off the court
So immediately after I posted this, Mr. Alberto Abril walked into my room and just said he 'joined' last.fm. I thought it was a little hasty, but Al has been into downloading new fun programs that make things easier, and this iScrobbler seems to be and do just that. Now I have reached a point of jealousy and admiration beyond control and figured I would suck it up and join. But I must warn you I am a sensitive man, sometimes I feel as if I am missing a layer of skin. But I can still keep warm! So all you users out there, beware!
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