Unfavorable Topography: 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005

Monday, March 28, 2005

If all weekends feel that long then I don't care how many are "left."

And this house still smells like hardcore kids numbers one through eight.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

1 can minestrone soup
two filled whales (gelatin based gummi candy)
1 lit candle
1 iTunes
1 AOL Instant Messenger away message

This is what I ate in the last half hour. I cannot help but listen to my hip hop mix I made in the past month. If I was a disc jockey, I would be an oddball. Are disc jockey's selfish? Scratch that. Are good disc jockey's selfish? Do they play what they like or do they play what people want to hear because if its the latter, then they are entertainers and not artists. I would be an artist. At least that is what I hope I would be.

Who here likes to read/work/shower with music? I cannot. No concentration can take place in this brain, in this mind with rhythms and words being played through instruments and speakers. I like silence. And darkness. I like the living room with bright lights as I eat soup and watch television. I like my room dark until the sun fades out of the day. I used to like creative writing on the blog. I shy away from that now for personal reflections and inward thinking. It is not so bad. It reflects on itself. Constantly. My favorite line of this song was said. Always said in the same way and I always hear it in the same tone, happy, with chills.

How do you like my new face?

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

This evening, shortly before eating dinner, I fell asleep on my brother's bed while he was tip-tap-typing a history paper. The last dream I had before I came to involved the Prefuse 73 song he had playing... I guess it seeped into the dream and was used as the music in the trailer for the next Star Wars movie. In my head, this commercial occurred during the 9pm slot on NBC and must've cost more money than I'll ever see in the next three years. So Sauce, somehow Scott Herren has managed to make it into two consecutive froyo posts. Like that's ever happened before!

Yesterday's letter of the day was J. I saw the sun rise at 6am as I was out the door to keep a watchful eye on new one year-old Michael Jacob Martin for a few hours. He goes by Jake, and if that nickname wasn't enough, I like adding -ster to the end of it if he's particularly smiley. Next up came the fastest 8 hours of March 2005 with OCNY Jess, who I hope found her lengthy Delaware interlude enjoyable, at least a little bit. Or maybe a lotta bit.

I have a good feeling about PVLA for this summer. It somehow combines my interests, my supposed future endeavors, and my non-profit experience in a neat little package resting on one corner of Rittenhouse Square.

Monday, March 14, 2005

the house is alone again today. i am going to leave her for awhile by her lonesome. hopefully she will ward off any passersby with growls and shrieks or screeches of paned glass stabbed by plastic. it looks nice outside, but i am scared to go outside because of the cold. my room is cold and my toes are frozen. it has been exactly one month since i blogged last. weird. where does the time go? it does not feel like a month. i wonder when was the last time i called donnie. or jon. or craig. it does not seem like a long time ago, but it very well could be a month. i should give them a call. i should call donnie and tell him i watched the machinist. i should call jon and ask him about dogme 95. i should call craig because he called me last week and left a message and i have yet to call him back. time is moving quicker and quicker. approximately two months from now i will be graduating. two months and a day and i will be in the carrier dome with thousands of people including members of my family. that reminds me, i have to book a restaurant for dinner now for then. the sun is out still, the snow is on the ground still. my room is colder than the outside. one month? two months? god, this new akron/family is the sh*t. by far my favorite record of the year. better than six organs of admittance. better than the new prefuse 73. pretty, yet awkward, and utterly endearing and romantic.

Monday, March 07, 2005

i accidentally left my phone at home today. it was not at all liberating.

Forgetful, I am. But ay dog, ay it's dope that my sunglasses are still in this computer lab even though I failed to pick them up off the table a half hour ago. I also made a sadly blunderous trip to campus earlier today to print out four pages of outlines for a presentation. Walked happily in the sun, out in the street, all the way to Kim-mel. Realized I had nothing to print and turned right back around, taking a different path than the first trip. I am forgetting everything.
The presentation kind of kicked dick, though. So that makes up for some of these mistakes. I'll probably forget a birthday next. Or to lock my car. Seeya tuesday.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Strange are the ways of turkey burgers. And this guy hadn't even raced up Choco Mountain yet.